Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Vulnerable groups

When understanding abuse and neglect in the context of health and social care, you will need to understand human vulnerabilities. Groups of individuals may be targeted for abuse for several reasons but mainly due to their capabilities and understanding of right and wrong.

Below are links that will allow you access further information on the most common groups affected.

Vulnerable adults

Adults can be classed as being vulnerable due to disability, old age, alcoholism, drug use, homelessness and lack of educational support. Without the correct social or health support given to them, they can often be taken advantage of by others through various forms of abuse. Self esteem plays a huge role in the abuse cases in adults, for example due to a lack of education/information some adults may trust in other adults to provide them with guidance , however this can lead to financial and emotional abuse, due to the amount of trust and power given to an unreliable advocate.

Vulnerable children

Due to their age and worldly knowledge, children can be subject to various forms of abuse. Abusers usually rely on the fact that children are trusting of adults and can be easily threatened into silence. Abuse often comes from those closest to the child e.g. parents, relatives and care workers.

Legislation protecting vulnerable people from abuse

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