Sunday, 12 March 2017

Professional roles and legal responsibilities.

Professional roles and legal responsibilities.
      Adult Protection Coordinator
What are the six safeguarding principles and how do you think these will help to improve the service provided for vulnerable people?
·         Child safeguarding boards.
What is a local safeguarding board? Who are the key contributors to these boards? What is their purpose and aim?
·         Responding to a disclosure.
When responding to a child or adult at risk who is making a disclosure, you should follow a particular set of guidelines. What are they?
·         Reporting and recording procedures.
Information about adult safeguarding issues is considered to be sensitive and personal. The use of this type of information is governed by the common law duty of confidentiality. Using the following weblink give further information on the principles of the 3 following laws on reporting and recording procedures.
·         The common law duty of confidentiality
·         The Human Rights Act 1998
·         The Data Protection Act 1998
·         Whistleblowing.
What is whistleblowing?

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